Servants of the Valor | --=SoV=-- | |||
Clan Info Current Members |
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Welcome to the best Myth clan around. Obviously most clans on Myth like to
boast that they are a clan of all "good guys" (no droppers, cheaters, etc.) and
we would also like to make that promise to you all. But unfortunately we can't watch
all of our members perfectly. Since we are just starting to grow right now, and this
is a clan made by a group of friends, it will stay "good guys" for as long as
possible. First off, let me say that there is no 1 person leader of this clan, the leadership is equal among the 3 people who started up the clan (Mithandril, Mithrandir, Olorin). "Servants of the Valor" stands for those of the Aihur, (the creations of Iluvatar) who were chosen to become the Maiar (demi-gods) who helped the Valor (Gods of Middle-Earth) rule Arda. (The world of Middle-Earth) If you would like to join, here are the very few rules.... 1.) Expect to be here for life, although you may quit this clan at anytime, if you are giving the commitment and joining.. don't bail unless of some major issue. 2.) Be a "good guy". We don't care if you have dropped, everyone does. Also don't be too irate if you get dropped on. People who only play for rank and not for fun, usually end up not having as much fun as they could if they would just play the best they can. Everyone tries to be the best, but too many people take that too far. 3.) Help the clan at all times... even if this means you must sacrifice a game to save a group of your fellow clan mates. |
To Join --=SoV=-- all you need to do is be willing to agree to the rules, and send an email here. Want to join, drop an email here: Include your login name, ICQ number (if applicable), and any other information that you think might be helpful. |